Open Enrollment ends on Dec. 7! Download the free guide to help weigh coverage options. 

Medicare Advantage

People who choose Medicare Advantage (MA) face additional hurdles during the initial enrollment and annual plan selection processes. The MA plan choice landscape is cluttered, complicated, and confusing. Other MA features, like prior authorization, narrow provider networks, and predatory plan marketing, can worsen decision-making and access problems. It is also expensive. MA costs more, both overall and per enrollee, than Original Medicare. This drives up spending for the program, beneficiaries, and taxpayers; though little is known about how plans are using these dollars, or about overall plan quality. As MA enrollment grows, addressing its financing flaws and programmatic pitfalls becomes ever-more important. We support comprehensive reforms to ensure all beneficiaries can rely on their earned Medicare coverage.

Medicare Advantage 2025 Rate Announcement Sign-on Letter

The Medicare Rights Center joined 47 organizations representing people with Medicare, families, advocates, and providers in a letter thanking the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the improvements in the 2025 Medicare Advantage rate announcement and urging additional reforms to further improve plan accountability and payment accuracy.

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Comments on the 2025 Advance Notice

The Medicare Rights Center welcomes CMS’s efforts to refine Medicare Advantage payment methodology and supports further action to improve costs and the beneficiary experience, program wide.

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Medicare Advantage 2025 Rate Announcement Sign-on Letter

The Medicare Rights Center joined 47 organizations representing people with Medicare, families, advocates, and providers in a letter thanking the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for the improvements in the 2025 Medicare Advantage rate announcement and urging additional reforms to further improve plan accountability and payment accuracy.

Comments on the 2025 Advance Notice

The Medicare Rights Center welcomes CMS’s efforts to refine Medicare Advantage payment methodology and supports further action to improve costs and the beneficiary experience, program wide.