Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Medicare Advantage

People who choose Medicare Advantage (MA) face additional hurdles during the initial enrollment and annual plan selection processes. The MA plan choice landscape is cluttered, complicated, and confusing. Other MA features, like prior authorization, narrow provider networks, and predatory plan marketing, can worsen decision-making and access problems. It is also expensive. MA costs more, both overall and per enrollee, than Original Medicare. This drives up spending for the program, beneficiaries, and taxpayers; though little is known about how plans are using these dollars, or about overall plan quality. As MA enrollment grows, addressing its financing flaws and programmatic pitfalls becomes ever-more important. We support comprehensive reforms to ensure all beneficiaries can rely on their earned Medicare coverage.

The Overpayment Cycle: Payments to Medicare Advantage

Flaws in the Medicare Advantage payment formula yield inflated plan payments that grow with enrollment. Plans use these additional dollars to offer services Original Medicare does not cover. They heavily and successfully market these “supplemental benefits,” boosting enrollment and triggering even more overpayments. Plans invest those funds to attract more enrollees, and the cycle begins again. This fact sheet explains this harmful pattern and what it means for Medicare solvency.

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Promise and Pitfalls of Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs)

Like other Medicare enrollees, people who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid can choose to receive their Part A and Part B benefits through Original Medicare (OM) or from a private Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. Some who select MA may have access to a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) which is an MA plan exclusive to people enrolled in both programs. In this fact sheet we examine D-SNPs’ potential to improve integrated care and the beneficiary experience.

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The Overpayment Cycle: Payments to Medicare Advantage

Flaws in the Medicare Advantage payment formula yield inflated plan payments that grow with enrollment. Plans use these additional dollars to offer services Original Medicare does not cover. They heavily and successfully market these “supplemental benefits,” boosting enrollment and triggering even more overpayments. Plans invest those funds to attract more enrollees, and the cycle begins again. This fact sheet explains this harmful pattern and what it means for Medicare solvency.

Promise and Pitfalls of Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans (D-SNPs)

Like other Medicare enrollees, people who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid can choose to receive their Part A and Part B benefits through Original Medicare (OM) or from a private Medicare Advantage (MA) plan. Some who select MA may have access to a Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP) which is an MA plan exclusive to people enrolled in both programs. In this fact sheet we examine D-SNPs’ potential to improve integrated care and the beneficiary experience.

Statement for the Record on Inaccurate Medicare Advantage Provider Directories

The Medicare Rights Center urges immediate action to address the long-standing problem of inaccurate MA provider directories. This misinformation derails thoughtful coverage choices and access to care. It also prevents proper oversight, as insufficient data may hide non-compliance with network adequacy and other requirements.



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