Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!

Monthly Archives: September 2021

Investing in Medicaid HCBS is Good for Medicare

This week, Medicare Rights joined with Justice in Aging to create a fact sheet showing how gains in Medicaid home- and community-based services (HCBS) would be a good thing for people with Medicare and the Medicare program. As Congress debates increasing funding for HCBS in the budget reconciliation bill, we […]

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“Build Back Better” Key Health Provisions Begin to Take Shape

Last week, the House Committees with purview over Medicare—Ways & Means and Energy & Commerce—finished marking up their sections of the “Build Back Better” budget reconciliation bill. Given their shared jurisdiction, the committees considered similar health care provisions. As outlined below, they advanced several of Medicare Rights’ priorities independently and […]

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Improved Medicare Handbook Reflects Advocacy Efforts

The “Medicare & You” handbook for 2022 is now available and it reflects improvements Medicare Rights and many of our partner organizations have been urging for years. The handbook is an official government publication that is distributed to millions of homes each year to provide people with up-to-date information about […]

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Medicare Trustees Release Their 2021 Report

The Medicare Trustees recently issued their long-awaited 2021 report, finding the program’s financial status largely unchanged by the COVID-19 pandemic. Released annually, the Trustee’s Report contains short- and long-term projections for Medicare’s Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund, out of which Part A benefits are paid, and the Supplementary Medical Insurance […]

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