Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) notice regarding differences among various consumer price indexes and their influence on the estimation of the Official Poverty Measure (OPM).
Medicare Rights is a national, nonprofit organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy,
educational programs, and public policy initiatives. Medicare Rights provides services and resources to three million people with Medicare, family caregivers, and professionals each year.
Based on our experience assisting people with Medicare and their families, we know that health care and prescription drug affordability is an ongoing challenge. Every day on our
National Consumer Helpline, we hear from older adults and people with disabilities who are struggling to cover these costs…
Any changes to the Medicare program must aim for healthier people, better care, and smarter spending—not paying more for less. As policymakers debate the future of health care, we will provide our insights here.
Thinking ahead to Medicare's future, it’s important to modernize benefits and pursue changes that improve how people with Medicare navigate their coverage on a daily basis. Here are our evolving 30 policy goals for Medicare’s future.
You can help protect and strengthen Medicare by taking action on the important issues we are following, subscribe to newsletter alerts, or follow along on social media. Any way you choose to get involved is a contribution that we appreciate greatly.
Comments: Consumer Inflation Measures Produced by Federal Statistical Agencies
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) notice regarding differences among various consumer price indexes and their influence on the estimation of the Official Poverty Measure (OPM).
Medicare Rights is a national, nonprofit organization that works to ensure access to affordable health care for older adults and people with disabilities through counseling and advocacy,
educational programs, and public policy initiatives. Medicare Rights provides services and resources to three million people with Medicare, family caregivers, and professionals each year.
Based on our experience assisting people with Medicare and their families, we know that health care and prescription drug affordability is an ongoing challenge. Every day on our
National Consumer Helpline, we hear from older adults and people with disabilities who are struggling to cover these costs…
Recent Resources
Comments on Proposed 2026 Medicare Advantage Part D Policy Changes
Medicare Trends and Recommendations
Medicare Savings Program Enrollment
Medicare Savings Program Recertification
Medicaid Renewal
Any changes to the Medicare program must aim for healthier people, better care, and smarter spending—not paying more for less. As policymakers debate the future of health care, we will provide our insights here.
Thinking ahead to Medicare's future, it’s important to modernize benefits and pursue changes that improve how people with Medicare navigate their coverage on a daily basis. Here are our evolving 30 policy goals for Medicare’s future.
You can help protect and strengthen Medicare by taking action on the important issues we are following, subscribe to newsletter alerts, or follow along on social media. Any way you choose to get involved is a contribution that we appreciate greatly.