Celebrating 35 years of making Medicare more accessible, affordable, and equitable!


Comments on the Medicare Savings Program Application Redesign

Medicare Rights’ comments are informed by our work helping thousands of people with Medicare apply for Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has documented, MSP processes are notoriously confusing for applicants, as well as many advocates and eligibility workers. 

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Health Care Consolidation Request for Information

Consolidation and market concentration impact many aspects of the U.S. health care system. Our response to the RFI focuses on the consequences for Medicare and its enrollees. We discuss opportunities for policymakers to better protect older adults, people with disabilities, and the range of public programs that support their access to care.

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Medicare Rights Center Response to Medicare Advantage Data Request for Information

It is evident Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment and costs are growing, that access issues abound, and that transparency is long overdue. To ensure MA works well for those it is supposed to serve, the Medicare Rights Center urges the immediate and thorough collection and publication of additional data on (I) Equity, (II) Provider Directories and Networks, (III) Marketing, (IV) Utilization Management and Appeals, (V) Supplemental Benefits, (VI) Dually Eligible Individuals and D-SNPs, and (VII) Favorable Selection and Risk Adjustment. This information should be granular, regularly reported, and used to guide MA and program-wide improvements. CMS must finally hold plans accountable for the public dollars they use and the promises they make.

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Comments Supporting the Complete Rescission of the 2018 Association Health Plan Final Rule

The Medicare Rights Center (Medicare Rights) appreciates this opportunity to comment on the Proposed Rescission of the 2018 Association Health Plan Final Rule. We applaud this full rescission of the final 2018 Association Health Plan (AHP) rule. Though the rule was never fully implemented, this rescission will eliminate any uncertainty regarding applicable definitions and standards.

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